About structured logging in Go 1.21

Upcoming version of the Go programming language, which is expected to be released in the fall of 2023, will introduce a new package named slog. It provides a clean and consistent API for structured logging. Let’s take a closer look on how to use this new library.

Structured logging utilizes key-value structures for storing messages which can be parsed, filtered and analyzed more efficiently in contrast to traditional logging which is rather human readable and natural to write. Compare the following:

// Human-readable logging
logger.Printf("user with ID %d was authenticated", user.ID)

// Machine-readable logging
slog.Info("user was authenticated", "user_id", user.ID)

While the former example, which uses the log package from the standard library, is easier to read, it does not necessary provide a good format for storing and searching data later. The structured logging from the latter example provides a way of building data which can be indexed and efficiently processed.

A good analogy is syslog and journald from Linux. The former provides an API for human-readable logging and the latter an API for structured logging. You might be familiar with ElasticSearch project for storing and processing structured logs in JSON format and Kibana project, a user interface for working with ElasticSearch.

There are many structured logging libraries available in Go, logrus, zap and zerolog to name few. Multiple projects providing the same capability is a problem for logging across libraries. As someone who wrote probably a hundred of logging facades, this is the most appealing aspect of the new package. It provides a common API which can help a lot with integrating logging from other libraries like SQL drivers, messaging broker libraries or cloud clients.

In order to start using slog, a new Logger with a Handler must be created. There are two handlers available in the library: one for JSON and one for text. Storing structured logs as text is not very useful for production use, however, it is a good option for development environments:

logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stderr, nil))

The slog API is simple and easy to understand:

slog.Info("user was authenticated", "user_id", user.ID)

The build-in text handler generates:

time=2023-06-03T17:49:54.224+02:00 level=INFO msg="user was authenticated" user_id=424213

You will see me using all lowercase style for messages throughout the post, I know there are two main camps. The rationale behind my decision is that when I work on project which do logging with capital letter and this is not enforced by a linter, I always see inconsistent results because errors are all lowercase in Go (and this can be easily enforced by linters). So to make things more simple, I do use all lowercase style on new projects.

I can imagine that figuring out logging levels for the slog package was a hard task, you are probably familiar with the widely popular debug, info, warning, error. Some libraries provide also trace level, others add fatal level or even panic level. And there are libraries which do not provide any human-readable levels and only work with numbers also known as verbosity levels.

In slog, there are four constants: Debug (-4), Info (0), Warn (4) and Error (8). There are some intentional gaps in case someone wants to have in-between levels (e.g. Notice) and Level is in fact an integer so there is plenty of room for additional levels if needed.

As you can probably see, the Info function is variadic: Info(msg string, args ...any) and it provides a convenient way of writing structured logs. Simply add zero, one or more key-value pairs or attributes, more about them later, and types will be introspected via the reflect package. You see it right, reflection is the price you pay if you want to type your logging statements quickly. I spent my time on projects with all the three mentioned structured logging libraries and I can say this is extremely convenient to work with.

Now, if you think this is slow, read on. There are ways how to optimize logging when needed, the first option being the With function. It can be used when you need to create multiple log events with same parameters:

logger := slog.With("user_id", user.ID, "job_id", jobID)
for _, _ := range something {
    logger.Info("doing something")

In this case, the values passed via With function will be introspected only once if handler in use correctly implements WithAttrs function.

If there is no other option, hot spots in the code can be written using Attr type, it is a typed key-value pair which is faster to process, however, slightly less convenient to type:

slog.Info("user was authenticated", slog.Int("user_id", user.ID))

The logging functions (Debug, Info, Warn and Error) all support mixing both Attr and key-value arguments:

slog.Info("a test message",
	slog.Int("int", 1),
	"key", "value",
	slog.Bool("bool", true),

Of course, traditional optimizations still apply here as these are normal functions and arguments are evaluated immediately regardless of the logger level. In these cases, slog.Level can be checked, a pointer can be passed instead of value, or slog.LogValuer lazy-evaluator interface can be used. The mentioned type can be also used to filter sensitive data:

type Token string

func (Token) LogValue() slog.Value {
    return slog.StringValue("REDACTED_TOKEN")

When it comes to micro benchmarks, slog (via Attr arguments) is faster than logrus and zap but slower than zerolog at the time of writing. Before you make any conclusions I would like to make one point - most of applications spend a fraction of resources on logging, unless there is a bug or misconfiguration.

Because the most popular serialization format for structured logging is JSON, there is a concept of groups to create sub-keys:

slog.Info("user was authenticated",
		"id", user.ID,
		"name", user.Name,

The built-in text handler generates:

time=2023-06-03T17:49:54.224+02:00 level=INFO msg="user was authenticated" user.id=424213 user.name=Andrew

The build-in JSON handler generates something like:

    "time": "2023-06-03T17:49:54.224+02:00",
    "level": "INFO",
    "msg": "user was authenticated",
    "user": {
        "id": 424213,
        "name": Andrew

Let’s take a closer look on how slog stores the data. Here is the Record type:

type Record struct {
    Time time.Time
    Message string
    Level Level
    PC uintptr

The type is self-exemplary except the PC field which can be used in tandem with runtime.CallersFrames to get file, line and function name information. This is useful when writing your own wrappers for logging functions or custom handlers. To get file, line and function information with the built-in text handler, simply use AddSource handler option. To remove unwanted field like time, use replace function:

replace := func(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
	if a.Key == slog.TimeKey && len(groups) == 0 {
		return slog.Attr{}
	return a
logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true, ReplaceAttr: replace}))

Another aspect we need to take a look is context. Many logging libraries encourages to store logger in the context.Context. For example zerolog library provides zerolog.Ctx and zerolog.WithContext functions to get or set logger respectively. While this is a valid approach and can be also applied for this library, slog package also provides a way to utilize Handlers to pull fields from context.

In the following example, a handler decorator is used to get a trace id from context and put it as trace_id field into every record when available:

type ctxTraceIdKey struct{}

type ContextHandler struct {
    handler slog.Handler

func NewContextHandler(h slog.Handler) *ContextHandler {
    if lh, ok := h.(*ContextHandler); ok {
        h = lh.handler
    return &ContextHandler{h}

func (h *ContextHandler) Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool {
    return h.handler.Enabled(ctx, level)

func (h *ContextHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
    if ctx == nil {
        return h.handler.Handle(ctx, r)
    if tid, ok := ctx.Value(ctxTraceIdKey{}).(string); ctx ok {
        traceAttr := slog.Attr{
            Key:   "trace_id",
            Value: slog.StringValue(tid),
    return h.handler.Handle(ctx, r)

func (h *ContextHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {
    return NewContextHandler(h.handler.WithAttrs(attrs))

func (h *ContextHandler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler {
    return NewContextHandler(h.handler.WithGroup(name))

Now, this might look like a lot of code, but every program typically need to have one such handler. Then working with contexts is super easy, simply use Context version of the logging function:

slog.InfoContext(ctx, "user was authenticated", "user_id", user.ID)

I personally find this easier to type instead of retrieving a logger variable from the context in every single function. Since unused variable is an error for Go compiler, the logger variable often needs to be deleted or reintroduced as the code is being rewritten which is not an issue for slog.InfoContext function and the three other siblings. Assuming a trace id 42cafe13 in the context, the built-in text handler decorated with the above handler generates:

time=2023-06-03T17:49:54.224+02:00 level=INFO msg="user was authenticated" user_id=424213 trace_id=42cafe13

The slog package provide a simple and common logging API that will be hopefully picked up by libraries as a common standard for structured logging. Even users who will continue using other logging libraries will benefit from slog as adapters for most popular logging libraries already exist.

If you like to start using the API today, there is golang.org/x/exp/slog and although “exp” stands for “experimental”, the API is currently frozen for Go 1.21 and no changes are expected in the near future. You should switch to standard library after Go 1.21 is out because that will probably not last forever.

I personally started a new application with slog myself as I really enjoy variadic functions and I am willing to sacrifice few CPU cycles per request in exchange for faster typing of logging statements.