I’ve got asked how SQL joins really work. Let me explain real quick, imagine a database of student with a simple (1:N) relationship, a city students are from. I will use the tiny SQLite3 database system, you can do this too:

$ sqlite3 joins.sqlite3
SQLite version 3.36.0 2021-06-18 18:36:39
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

Create tables city and student:

sqlite> create table city (id integer, name text);
sqlite> create table student (id integer, name text, city_id integer);

Insert few rows:

sqlite> insert into city (id, name) values (1, 'Prague'), (2, 'New York');
sqlite> insert into student (id, name, city_id) values (1, 'John', 1), (2, 'Eve', 1), (3, 'Mary', 2);

We have three students from two cities in total, each student having an id of city they are from:

sqlite> select * from city;
2|New York

sqlite> select * from student;

Now, it’s possible to select rows from more than one table, in that case database systems return what is technically called cartesian product which is nothing else than “all options possible”. Because select statement always returns one table, it has to do it that way. Number of rows is the total number of rows from one table multiplied by number from the other table: 2*3=6:

sqlite> select * from student, city;
1|John|1|2|New York
2|Eve|1|2|New York
3|Mary|2|2|New York

The order of tables in the select statement does not matter, it’s the same result with different column order:

sqlite> select * from city, student;
2|New York|1|John|1
2|New York|2|Eve|1
2|New York|3|Mary|2

It is possible to use where clause the same way as in other statements, to limit the result. Let’s filter out only those rows where city id equals student’s city_id column:

sqlite> select * from student, city where city.id = student.city_id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

This is typically what we want! Because equality is commutative, technically speaking, you can swap the columns in the where clause only to get the very same result:

sqlite> select * from student, city where student.city_id = city.id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

Now here is a thing, inner join is exactly that, but with different syntax:

sqlite> select * from student inner join city on city.id = student.city_id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

Swapping columns in the where clause does not change the result either:

sqlite> select * from student inner join city on student.city_id = city.id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

The same goes for from/join clauses, it really does not matter which table goes first in the from or join statements, the only thing that changes is column order, results are exactly the same:

sqlite> select * from city inner join student on student.city_id = city.id;
2|New York|3|Mary|2

sqlite> select * from student inner join city on student.city_id = city.id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

To recap, the following are all inner join statements giving you the same results:

sqlite> select * from student, city where city.id = student.city_id;
sqlite> select * from student, city where student.city_id = city.id;
sqlite> select * from student inner join city on city.id = student.city_id;
sqlite> select * from student inner join city on student.city_id = city.id;
sqlite> select * from city inner join student on student.city_id = city.id;
sqlite> select * from student inner join city on student.city_id = city.id;

Which one to choose from when you want to do an inner join? It’s up to you, all relational database systems I know will work the same. The final touch is to select only the columns you want. Here is our list of students and their home cities:

sqlite> select student.name,city.name from student, city where city.id = student.city_id;
Mary|New York

But how about left join and right join? Well, they only matter if you have null values in the database, which is not this case:

sqlite> select * from student inner join city on city.id = student.city_id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

sqlite> select * from student left join city on city.id = student.city_id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

Let’s set city for the student with id of 2 to null:

sqlite> update student set city_id = null where id = 2;

sqlite> select * from student;

Let’s do the inner join using one of the syntaxes I explained above and notice the student is no longer there because Eve has null value for their city_id:

sqlite> select * from student, city where city.id = student.city_id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

The thing is, null equals to nothing, therefore a student with null city id will never match. The solution? Left join will make the system to join rows from the left table (the word after from) even if there are no matches from the right table (the word after join):

sqlite> select * from student left join city on city.id = student.city_id;
3|Mary|2|2|New York

See, student number 2 is now included (compare with the inner join above). Since they have city_id set to null, they would have been filtered out. Very often, that’s probably not what we want to do. When you swap tables in the statement, it does not work:

sqlite> select * from city left join student on city.id = student.city_id;
2|New York|3|Mary|2

This is where the right join comes, it will do the same thing, but from other side. Unfortunately, SQLite does not support right joins. Why? Because you don’t need both, you can always do it one way. Most database systems, however, supports both directions. It’s just most of programmers tend to stick just with one direction for life, I am a left-joiner as well as SQLite3 author I guess.

Instead of looking at diagrams with two potatoes, remember this: inner join filters from product of both tables leaving out rows with null values, left join leaves rows with null values from the left table and right join does exactly the same, but from the right side.

There are also special joins: outer join and full join but I am not going to explain them in this article as they are less useful in practice.

Bonus takeaway: If you don’t have any null values in your join columns (typically named id for primary keys or something_id of id_something for foreign keys), you can just use inner join and you are good.
