This tutorial covers installation of UniFi from RPMFusion repository on OpenJDK with MongoDB from official community repository. It kinda works, but I’ve hit few bugs here and there, therefore I’d suggest you to use “tarball” installation with Oracle JDK instead. I plan to do new blogpost on this topic soon - search my blog.

First, enable PowerTools CentOS repository:

dnf install dnf-plugins-core
yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools

You can enable all the official repositories as they contain pretty useful stuff, but it’s not needed:

yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools --set-enabled centosplus --set-enabled extras

Then enable EPEL and very much needed RPMFusion:

dnf -y install
dnf -y install --nogpgcheck
dnf -y install --nogpgcheck
dnf -y install --nogpgcheck

And you guessed it:

dnf -y install unifi

There’s also unifi-lts Long Term Support release available if you want to avoid frequent updates. Due to licensing issues, MongoDB has been removed from Fedora and CentOS8, install MongoDB Community edition:

dnf -y install

Enable and start the unifi service. Note the mongod service does not need to be started, unifi process starts its own instance:

systemctl enable --now unifi

Beware, logs are in non-standard location:

tail -f /usr/share/unifi/logs/server.log

Visit the web UI for the initial configuration: https://nuc.home.lan:8443 and have fun!