I’ve been using Authy for my 2FA and I am happy with it, it’s on my iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and also Fedora desktop. But the desktop app is quite slow, it’s Chrome web app wrapped as a Snap Linux application in the end. When I want my token, I want it NOW, instantly in my clipboard. So I started seeking a cli utility. There is no official app from Authy, so I have decided to export my keys in clear text.

There are some tutorials on how to do this in browser console, however I am not particularly strong in JavaScript and it did not work out for me. But I’ve stumbled upon authy-export command line app which was written in Go. When you run it for the first time, it registers as another Authy application asking for your phone number and confirmation in the Authy app. Then it prints all tokens in the QR code URL format in exchange for your “backup password”. It works flawlessly:

$ authy-export
Please provide your Authy TOTP backup password: ************
Here are your authenticator tokens:


The token then can be used to show tokens. There are multiple command-line applications but if you want raw experience, then oathtool is in every major Linux distribution:

$ oathtool --totp -b ABC334XZL5K21J7

If you want something more convinient I suggest gauth which after configuration looks like this:

$ gauth
           prev   curr   next
AWS        315306 135387 483601
Airbnb     563728 339206 904549
Google     453564 477615 356846
Github     911264 548790 784099
[=======                      ]

I created a short Ruby script which converts auth-export output to gauth configuration file:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'uri'
require 'cgi'
require 'open3'
require 'base64'

STDIN.each_line do |line|
    uri = URI.parse(line)
    name = uri.path[1..-1].gsub(':', ' ')
    params = CGI.parse(uri.query)
    puts "#{name}:#{params['secret'][0]}"
  rescue RuntimeError
    # pass

To use just redirect output to input:

$ authy-export | ./authy2gauth > ~/.config/gauth.csv

With all of this, one can easily synchronize Authy tokens into gauth configuration and use both tools. I highly suggest to also make gauth.csv part of your daily backup.

A sidenote: to display the QR code on the console do something like:

$ echo -n "ootpauth://totp/Twitter:@lzap?digits=6&secret=ABC334XZL5K21J7" | qrencode -t UTF8

Finally, “ABC334XZL5K21J7” is NOT my secret. Do not bother. Have fun! :-)