Guys, I am going to move my blog to infrastructure. I will be using Jekyll templating framework, pages will be pregenerated with Twitter Bootstrap. Migration from was pretty straightforward, I will blog about it later on.

Nothing is gonna change for you, even URLs will remain the same, but please check if you have subscribed the correct RSS address. The correct one is:

Wrong one is:

This is because does not allow to change it in the HTML META header. If you are not sure, just unsubscribe and re-subscribe using my Feedburner button or this link. The feedburner will automatically switch over to the new blog.

Reasons? I find pretty slow here and editing technical articles is too painful. The editor sucks, no improvements for almost 2 years. And goes down way too often.

Advantages? Blazing fast speed thank to Rackspace hosting and pregenerated files. You will feel it mainly in Europe. Mardown syntax is cool too. And also much better editing using Vim. :-)