Promě byl jasně nejlepším filmem roku 2008 (a jedním z mé aktuální top desítky) kousek s názvem Burn After Reading. Dívám se na něj znovu a znovu. Naprosto famózních scén je ve filmu hned několik. Na dnešní večer jsem vybral tu úplně poslední.

Varování: Pokud jste film neviděli (to snad nebude nikdo), nepouštějte si to. Dozvíte se totiž úplně všechno. Je to v podstatě "report celé akce" ;-) Ostatním přeju příjemnou zábavu. Transkript je pod videem.

Wait. Wait a minute.

Where is the Treasury guy?

- Right now?
- Right now.

He is in a detention room
at Washington Dulles.


He was trying to board
a flight to Venezuela.

We had his name on a hot list.
CBP pulled him in.

Don't know why he was trying
to go to Venezuela.

You don't know.

No, sir.

We have no extradition with Venezuela.


So what should we do with him?

For fuck's sake,
put him on the next flight to Venezuela.

Yes, sir. Okay.

- Okay. So the gym manager is dead.
- Yes, sir.

The body is...

That's gone, sir.


But there was a snag.



this analyst, Cox,
was attacking the gym guy.

It was in broad daylight,
on the street.

Our man did not know what to do.

Felt he had to step in.



He shot the analyst.
He shot Cox.

Good. Great.
Is he dead?

No, sir. He's in a coma.

They don't think he's gonna make it.
They don't think...

They're pretty sure that he has
no brain function.

Okay. Okay. If he wakes up, we'll worry
about it then. Jesus, what a clusterfuck.

So, that's it then?

No one else really knows anything.


Well, sir, there is...


There is the woman, the gym woman,

Linda Litzke.

Oh! Fuck, yeah.
God! Where is she?

We picked her up.
We have her.

We have her?
To do what with?

She says she'll play ball
if we pay for some,

I know this sounds odd,
some surgeries

that she wants, cosmetic surgery.

She says she'll sit on everything.

How much?

There were several procedures.

- Altogether they...
- Pay it.

Yes, sir. Okay. Yeah.

Jesus fucking Christ!


What do we learn, Palmer?

I don't know, sir.

I don't fucking know, either.

- I guess we learn not to do it again.
- Yes, sir.

I'm fucked if I know what we did.

Yes, sir, it's hard to say.

Jesus fucking Christ.